Oostrotex was founded in 1994. As a dynamic company, we specialise in the production
of synthetic filament yarn for different applications.
Since our foundation, we have built a lot of knowledge on synthetic
filament yarns and textile applications.
Using this strong background, Oostrotex has become an appreciated
partner for many customers worldwide.
Oostrotex specialises in the production of synthetic multifilament yarn for different applications. We have continuously been investing in technology, personnel and equipment for our spinning department to develop our high quality yarn.
In 2000 we introduced our Harmolon yarns. Because of its high quality level, the Harmolon yarn behaves very well on high speed air jet and rapier weaving machines, high speed knitting machines and texturing machines. Harmolon yarn is proven to be very reliable and preferred by premium class producers all over the world.
Thanks to the excellent properties such as unwinding performance, package build-up, air friendliness and jet contamination, the Harmolon yarns became preferential raw material for well-known texturers. We offer a wide range of yarn and sell this to a variety of sectors, such as:
- Mattress ticking weavers and knitters
- Upholstery fabric weaving mills (furnishing, curtains)
- Carpet industry
Air Texturing
The air texturing department has been a continuous area of development since 2009. Starting from the multifilament yarn, the yarn is reformed into a high quality air jet textured yarn. The flexibility of these machines are very high, and the applications for these yarns are versatile, such as:
- Home furnishing (upholstery, curtains, bedding, box springs, bed boarders, ...)
- Technical yarn
- Automotive
Contact us
A division of ClarysseWeb
Grote Molstenstraat 23
8710 Wielsbeke, Belgium
T +32 56/671 681